SeriesSimulation games

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With the new interactive platform, the "Klasse mit Klasse" simulation game can now be played completely online in a convenient format that even brings together a group from several cities.
Would you like to find out more about simulation games as a method of experience-based learning? Or how you can use simulation games to motivate your learners in the long term? Then take a look at our Magazine Language article.
The simulation game Klasse mit Klasse is dedicated to a current situation from everyday school life that affects an entire school community. The catering of a fictitious school is no longer guaranteed because a small school store closes unexpectedly. All involved groups of the school community - students, parents, teachers and school management - face an immense challenge. How should they deal with the situation? What can they do? Who can make what contribution? How can everyone's strengths best be combined?
The goal of the game is to find a solution to the problem presented above (replacing the school store). In order for a decision to be made at the end of the game, all participants first clarify in working groups which proposal they would like to submit to the other participants and how they can best develop and represent this idea. It is important for the evaluation of the simulation game to determine whose interests have been taken into account and to what extent, and how joint decisions were made. The media follow the work of all participants and ask critical questions during the simulation.
The simulation game "Klasse mit Klasse" is suitable for school classes aged 11 to 18 as well as for adults who want to learn a foreign language for the first time or refresh their knowledge. The central element is the use of the foreign language in the discussion process through the use of phrases typical of discussions.
The simulation game is designed to last 180 minutes. However, it is also possible to divide the business game into three units of 60 minutes each. However, individual adaptations and deviations are possible and may even be necessary: this depends largely on the language level and previous knowledge of the participants.
In the download section you will find materials in German and Russian. You will also find print templates in color and black and white.
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SeriesSimulation games