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Chapter Politics for Youth

  • Number of downloads:69431
picture alliance/Boris Roessler

What inspires young people in Germany to get involved in politics?

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picture alliance/Boris Roessler


What inspires young people in Germany to get involved in politics? We asked five young politicians from Germany´s leading political parties about why they joined their party and what topics they are focusing on at the 2021 parliamentary elections. Short videos and accompanying interactive materials in English and German encourage students to explore the German political landscape via personal trajectories, compare politics in Germany to politics in the US and reflect about their own ways of getting involved in the political life of their communities.

These are the people zou will get to know:

Anna Kassautzki, a SPD politician who lives in Greifswald, in the northeastern part of Germany.

Deniz Gedik, the Spokesperson for Young Greens/Junge Grüne, the youth party of Bündnis 90/die Grünen in Baden-Württemberg. 

Dominik Abel, a District Chairman with Young Union/Junge Union, the youth party of the CDU. 

Maurice Klaus, Spokesman of the Young Left/Junge Linke fraction in Baden-Württemberg. 

Valentin Christian Abel, spokesman of the Young Liberals/Junge Liberale fraction. 

These are the video topics and questions:
  • Introductions
  • What's in a name?
  • What topics are important to your party?
  • Why did you join your party?
  • What do you find most interesting about the electoral system in the United States?


Part of:

SeriesYouth and ...

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

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