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Chapter 2 A Peaceful Revolution - 30 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall

  • Number of downloads:776

The multimedia brochure "A Peaceful Revolution - 30 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall" invites students of German and anyone interested in contemporary German and European history to explore the events, people and personal narratives that shaped the fall of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago.

Language level

Target group



Part of the series Divided Germany, the wall and reunification

26 materials

Life in the GDR and the FRG

  • Number of downloads:31957
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

A1 A2

Youth culture in divided Germany

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

Do walls work?

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

Germany between 1945 and 1996

  • Number of downloads:1293
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, Span. (Mex.)

A2 B1 B2

A day at the Berlin Wall

  • Number of downloads:4666
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English



The multimedia brochure "A Peaceful Revolution- 30 Years Fall of the Berlin Wall" invites students of German and anyone interested in contemporary German and European history to explore the events, people and personal narratives that shaped the fall of the Berlin Wall 30 years ago.  In addition to important facts on German post-war history (1945-1990), readers explore- through the eyewitness accounts of David Gill, the incumbent Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany in New York, and Diana Erinna, a German lecturer from Boston, the intricacies of everyday life behind the Iron Curtain: What did it feel like to grow up in the German Democratic Republic (GDR)? How were both witnesses involved in the events of 1989 and how did these influence their future live trajectories?

The brochure and accompanying videos (embedded QR-codes) with both eyewitnesses are in English language and can thus be used outside of the German classroom. Students of German have the opportunity to solve simple tasks and quizzes in German and expand the vocabulary on the topic.

All videos can also be accessed on the Goethe-Institut NY Youtube video channel.  

Interested in ordering physical copies of the brochure? 
Fees: Free of charge, but you will have to cover shipping fees.

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