Agnieszka Lulińska

Agnieszka Lulińska

Agnieszka Lulińska was born in Warsaw. She completed a doctorate in art history, literature and sociology at the University of Bonn. After working as a research assistant at the Arp Foundation in Rolandseck, she became a curator and exhibition director at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn in 1992. She has curated numerous exhibitions on the art and cultural history of the 19th and 20th centuries, including “Europe, Europe. The Century of the Avant-Gardes in Central and Eastern Europe”, “Taking Stock: Gurlitt in Review”, “Beethoven. WeltBürgerMusik”, “1920s! In the Kaleidoscope of Modernism” and, in collaboration with Thomas Ebers, the anniversary exhibition “Immanuel Kant and the Open Questions”.