New York City, USA  “Faust” by Faust

"Faust" by Faust
"Faust" by Faust © Faust. Photo: Luna Park

A Street Artist Designing Wine Bottles

The anonymous street artist Faust, based in New York, can be recognized by his characteristic lettering using classic calligraphy elements paired with modern graffiti writing. Individual words or entire sayings decorate house walls, windows, and even snow-covered cars. His attitude towards life is expressed with a quote he often mentions: "Live dangerously and you live right" - a quote from Goethe's play Faust, where the artist also took his name from. He is known worldwide and described as the most innovative and influential graffiti artist from New York. His name tag "Faust" is probably his best-known work, which now also decorates a wine bottle: The artist collaborated with the Huneeus Winery and designed a label with his famous lettering ( Other texts he often illustrates are:  "All That Matters", "New York", "Cold as Ice", "Sure Faust" and many others. His works were exhibited at the Grand Palais in Paris and at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. In addition, Martha Cooper included his work in two of her books (Going Postal and Name Tagging).

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