San Francisco, USA  “So much Love” by Pablo A. Medina

"So much Love" by Pablo A. Medina
"So much Love" by Pablo A. Medina © Pablo A. Medina. Photo: Soboan

Meditating for creativity

Pablo A. Medina is a graphic and type designer from the East Village in New York City who has a keen interest in culture, the environment and the contexts that define people. 

For 20 years, he has been designing typefaces inspired by urban language. With the magazine "Read This Zine" he published his first designs during his high school years - his entry into graphic design. Early works were also exhibited in the Design Triennale at Smithsonian's Cooper Hewitt Museum. Pablo Medina has also taught art and design at the Parsons School of Design, the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) and the California College of the Arts (CCA), and since 2001 has owned a design studio, Design is Culture. There, he fulfills clients orders or pursues his own experimental ideas - a place where art, writing, visual arts, photography and other media come together. To stay balanced and inspired, Pablo Medina meditates every morning. His kind of meditation, Vipassana is a ritual for him to sort his thoughts and let his creativity run wild. New ideas for works come easily.

For his So Much Love Mural in San Francisco, Medina worked with Nolan Jones, and together they created the painting on the wall of a tattoo shop.


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