A Space for Discussion and Exchange

In countries where the Goethe-Institut and other international cultural institutions have had to close their locations due to wars or censorship, many artists and intellectuals have lost spaces for dissent, dialogue and intercultural exchange. Goethe-Institut in Exile is a meeting place, safe space and stage for cultural professionals who can no longer work in their home country.

Goethe-Institut im Exil - Key Visual © Goethe-Institut


Afghanistan Cultural Fund

Call for Proposals

The newly founded Afghanistan Cultural Fund (ACF) invites Afghan artists and cultural practitioners worldwide to submit funding applications. The current call for proposals has begun, focusing on music and storytelling. All information on the fund and the calls for proposals can be found here.

Application deadline: 15 August 2024

Logo ACF © Afghanistan Cultural Fund

A room filled with an audience and a panel discussion can be seen. Colorful children's pictures hang on the walls. © Goethe-Institut

About the project

For two years, Goethe-Institut in Exile will offer creative artists who, due to life-threatening circumstances, are no longer able to work in their own countries, or only with difficulty, a stage as well as a place for discussion and exchange. Learn more about the project:

  • Front entrance of the Kunsthaus ACUD Berlin
  • A member of the AK13 group leans toward the microphone during a radio interview.
  • Artist Kabir Mokamel works standing on a colorful street art piece.
  • Filmstill Voices
  • Artist Shir Khan Ahmadzai blows up a red balloon as children watch him.
  • Bild Stus Passerby

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