Jan Georg Plavec

Jan Georg Plavec © Jan Georg Plavec Editor specializing in data journalism for Stuttgarter Zeitung and Stuttgarter Nachrichten. Studied communication science at University Stuttgart-Hohenheim and Free University Berlin (PhD). Before that he worked as a freelancer for several newspapers.

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My favourite AI in culture project at the moment is… Reignland a website that obviously writes automated “reviews” for new music being uploaded to Spotify and YouTube, analyzing the musical content of the song as well as the corresponding music video.

By 2030 I would like to have an AI app which… I can show any piece of art to. I will get all the relevant information (or at least an informed guess) on age, genre and cultural context of the piece of art.

My worst AI nightmare is… AI content which is mainly being produced for robots.

The future of AI needs… a more sober assessment of its potentials, particularly for everyday life.

Jan Plavec's contribution: "Facts, fakes and figures: How AI is influencing journalism"