
A photo turned into a painting by the website DeepArt
Photo (detail): © DeepArt

When is art really art?

Harald Willenbrock

Actual Reality Hito Steyerl
© Serpentine Galleries
Refik Anadol's "Machine Hallucination" installation
© Refik Anadol Studio
The former stocking factory of Moritz Samuel Esche in Chemnitz
© Richard Dunn
Pindar Van Arman in his studio in the USA
© Pindar Van Arman
"Hahn/Cock" is an ultramarine blue sculpture by German artist Katharina Fritsch
© Nick Savage / Alamy Stock Photo
Rachel Maclean, Make Me Up, 2018 (digital video still).Commissioned by BBC, Creative Scotland, 14-18 Now, Hopscotch Films and NVA.
Courtesy of the artist © Rachel Maclean.

AI errors in art

Nathalie Bachand

Robot on the piano
Photo (detail): © Adobe