10 - 12 May 2023 | A Matter of Trust

Media Library

Missed something? Selected contributions from the Kultursymposium Weimar 2023 are now available in our media library. In addition to exciting content from the festival days and from all over the world, there are supplementary features on the topic of trust.

Programme Highlights

The interdisciplinary programme of the three-day festival included interactive formats, workshops, performances, films and music, as well as discussions and lectures. A selection of the international panels can be found here. More event recordings are coming soon.
The circus artist Yoann Bourgeois appears to float in the air, with a white staircase behind him.

Opening Performance

A physical tale by and with Yoann Bourgeois about failure, hope, and regained (self) trust.

Speakers sit in a semicircle and talk to each other.

Control Is Good, Trust Is Better

A discussion on the challenges and opportunities of current dynamics in the workplace

Speakers sit in a semicircle and talk to each other.

Between Facts and Fiction

A discussion about trust and responsible journalism as well as dealing with fake news.

The speakers are discussing while seated on the stage.

Trust Across Borders

A discussion about a new era in international relations, in which parameters of cross-border trust are undergoing readjustment.

Speakers sit in a semicircle and talk to each other.

In Tech We Trust?

A discussion about new technologies, taking Artificial Intelligence as an example.

Speaker Kevin Mwachiro speaks into the microphone.

Faith in Africa's Youth

A lecture by Kevin Mwachiro about the importance of trust in the younger generation in African countries for a secure and liveable future.

 Speaker Anne Böckler-Raettig delivers a lecture.

Function & Flexibility

A lecture by Anne Böckler-Raettig about indications from psychological research that people are trustworthy and trusting by nature.

Speakers sit in a semicircle and talk to each other.

Do Women Make Better Borrowers?

A discussion on microfinance and the need for a more inclusive financial world.

Speakers sit in a semicircle and talk to each other.

(Inter)personal Trust

A discussion about trust is a fundamental aspect of all (interpersonal) human relationships. 

Speakers sit in a semicircle and talk to each other.

Divided Societies

A discussion on divided societies and how eroding trust in different political contexts endangers cohesion.

Speakers sit in a semicircle and talk to each other.

Not Worthy of Our Trust?

A discussion about the significance of trust for preventative work and for the resocialisation of convicts.

Speakers talks into the microphone and has his arm raised.

Anything Is Possible?

A lecture by Silvia Caprioglio Panizza about scepticism and distrust in science.

Speaker Claire Yorke holds a presentation.

Overcoming Mistrust

A lecture by Claire Yorke on how empathy can help to reduce distrust and build trust.

Speaker Samarth Bansal talks into the microphone and has his arm raised.

Trust and Scepticism in Journalism

A lecture by Samarth Bansal on why it is important to transparently communicate uncertainties in journalism.

The speaker is speaking while sitting across from the moderator on a stage.

Shortselling as Ethical Trade?

A lecture by Fahmi Quadir about distrust in the Financial Industry, using the example of shortselling.

Speaker Jan Engelmann hält einen Vortrag.

The Science of Cooperation

A lecture by Jan Engelmann on trust in the animal world using the example of chimpanzees.

Impressions of the Festival

Questions of Trust

What does trust mean in your work environment? Would you prefer control or trust in your work? For the Kultursymposium Weimar 2023 we asked these and many other questions to people from different parts of the world.
Mosaic of faces of the interviewed individuals.

Questions of Trust

What does trust mean to you? Whom do you trust? And what shakes your trust?

Mosaic of faces of the interviewed individuals.

Trust & Work

What does trust mean in your work environment? Would you prefer control or trust in your work?

Mosaic of faces of the interviewed individuals.

Trust & Politics

Do you trust the politicians in your country? Why and why not?

 Mosaic of faces of the interviewed individuals.

Trust & International Relations

How can one build trust in people from different cultures?

Mosaic of faces of the interviewed individuals.

Trust & Media

Do you trust the media? Can you recognize fake news?

Mosaic of faces of the interviewed individuals.

Trust & Technology

Do you trust technology? Would you let AI control your daily life?

Sharing new Ideas

A Matter of Trust?

Claire Yorke

Interview Claire Yorke

Abby Abinanti

Interview Abby Abinanti

Sam Gregory

Interview Sam Gregory

Fahmi Quadir

Interview Fahmi Quadir

Nathan Law

Interview Nathan Law

Kingsley Omeihe

Interview Kingsley Omeihe

Johannes Ebert

Interview Johannes Ebert

Trust Worldwide

On the occasion of the Kultursymposium Weimar 2023, the Goethe-Instituts of Norway, Sweden, and Finland organised a discussion in which four Sámi artists, thinkers, and practitioners explored the understanding of trust in an indigenous and Sámi context and examined its impact on relationships with non-indigenous structures and institutions. 


During he festival days, the special radio programme Trust FM reflected on the topic of trust, incorporating a fusion of radio art contributions, conversational formats, and performative interventions.
Radio Team © Sandra Reyes

Warm Up

Preview of the radio programme of the Kultursymposium Weimar

Radio Hosts and Guests © Konrad Behr

Trust Worldwide

A conversation with Flávia Macedo, Tassos Stevens and Emily Davis about projects at Goethe-Instituts worldwide on the occasion of the Kultursymposium Weimar