Opening & Welcome


Kultursympsium Weimar 2021 Day 1 © TAU
16. June
1:00 PM-1:10 PM CEST
Carola Lentz, president of the Goethe-Institut, and Michelle Müntefering, Minister of State for International Cultural Policy at the Federal Foreign Office, will open the third Kultursymposium Weimar, which is all about “Generations”. For Michelle Müntefering, it is a topic that connects people, raises many questions and creates an opportunity to discuss global challenges from diverse perspectives. The anthropologist and senior research professor Carola Lentz has already explored different aspects of this subject in her academic career. She carries out research on subjects such as middle-class formation across generations, practices of intergenerational memory in families as well as the history of the politics of national memory in West Africa. An in-depth discussion of these topics can be found on our festival radio station,, where Carola Lentz will engage in a conversation on generations with the historian and president of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Winfried Speitkamp.

Host: Vivian Perkovic


Michelle Müntefering © Ute Gabriel
Vivian Perkovic © BR/Julia Müller
  • Format
    Opening & Welcome
  • Place
    Akademie der Künste Berlin
  • Admission
    3 €
  • Language
    German with English translation test
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