
Das Blaue Sofa

Das Blaue Sofa © Bertelsmann
11 May
7:30 PM-9:30 PM
On May 11, the authors‘ forum The Blue Sofa (Das Blaue Sofa) will be  guest at the Kultursymposium Weimar. The authors Alice Hasters (Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen, aber wissen sollten, hanserblau), Irene Diwiak (Sag Alex, er soll nicht auf mich warten, C.Bertelsmann), Fikri Anıl Altıntaş (Im Morgen wächst ein Birnbaum, btb) und Constantin Schreiber (Glück im Unglück. Wie ich trotz schlechter Nachrichten optimistisch bleibe, Hoffmann und Campe)  will talk with moderators Miriam Zeh (Deutschlandfunk Kultur) and Silke Müller (Klassik Stiftung Weimar) about the facets in which the theme trust plays a role in their current books and in their writing in general.

The Blue Sofa is the authors’ forum of Bertelsmann. It is one of the longest-lived and most successful literary formats in the German-speaking world. Since its inception in 2000, more than 3,100 authors have taken a seat on it to present their new books at book fairs and beyond.


Anıl Altıntaş, Fikri © Benjamin Zibner
Irene Diwiak © Bogenberger
Alice Hasters © Paula Winkler
Constantin Schreiber © Andreas Hornoff
  • Format
  • Place
    Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Studienzentrum
  • Admission
    Free of charge
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