Theatre Play

Die Nibelungen

A play by Friedrich Hebbel

Die Nibelungen © DNT / Candy Welz
11 May
7:00 PM-10:00 PM
The Nibelung saga about the dragon slayer, Siegfried, is one of the outstanding works of the European heroic epic.

Into the boredom of the royal court in the city of Worms bursts Siegfried, a hero who wants to measure his strength against King Gunther and his men. An uneven game in every way! For how do you win against someone who has been made invulnerable by dragon blood, except for one tiny spot? But this invincible character, who desires Kriemhild, the daughter of the house (it’s love at first sight), might well be of some benefit. He is to bring Brunhild, the enigmatic queen of Isenland, back to Gunther’s court as his trophy bride because Brunhild is known to force her suitors into a life-threatening competition, which only one such as Siegfried can survive unscathed. 

The deal between him, Gunther and his faithful adjudant, Hagen, is swiftly concluded: Siegfried will get Kriemhild once he has conquered Brunhild for his future brother-in-law. 

The deal succeeds. But only until the double wedding night, when Gunther fails Brunhild and has to call Siegfried to his aid again... 

The 12th-century Nibelungenlied, on which Hebbel's poetry is based, was elevated to the status of a German myth in the 19th century at the latest. The play by Friedrich Hebbel, which premiered in Weimar in 1861, remains close to the myth, but unfolds as a psychologically accurate study of hubris, injured pride, revenge, trust and betrayal, which is both frightening and impressive in its radicalism. 

Director: Hasko Weber

In collaboration with Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar.
  • Format
    Theatre Play
  • Place
    Nationaltheater Weimar
  • Admission
    With festival ticket
  • Language
    German with English surtitles
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