

Short films by students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

ENCOUNTERS © Janina Heinrich
10 May
7:00 PM-8:30 PM
Only those you trust can betray you – a sentence reminiscent of western films. Indeed, the theme of trust – emphatic closeness or its absence – plays a fundamental role in cinematic storytelling, as a film always involves encounters between people in some form.

Students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar showed a selection of short films that were made during the past winter semester as part of the project module ‘moving image’. All short films tell of encounters that deal with the theme of trust.

With works by:
Enni Arden, Janina Heinrich, Sarah Horn, Clara Irmer, Anneliese John, Paula Kiermaier, Aaron Kilian, Alex Kaiser, Klaus Merbach, Lukas Naujoks, Olga Ringleb, Julia Schöffel, Alina Virjasov

Jakob Hüfner, Jörn Hintzer

Julius Winckler
  • Format
  • Place
    Lichthaus Kino 1
  • Admission
    Free of charge
  • Language
    German with English subtitles
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