

Duto Hardono
© by LauraFiorio

Fri, 05.10.2018 -
Tue, 09.10.2018




Language: English
Price: Only for Participants
+62 21 23550208-116

One of Nusasonic’s main aims is to help strengthen sonic cultures and networks in Southeast Asia by initiating dialogue between artists from diverse countries in the region. As part of this focus, two artistic groups that have been set up, involving practitioners that focus on improvisation and collaborative work.

The first collaboration unites Filipino sound artist, hardware hacker, and experimental musician Erick Calilan with Bandung-based conceptual artist and musician Duto Hardono. During their multiple days of experimentation, Erick’s interest in exploring the illogical use of consumer-based electronic devices and in playing with reverse-engineering technology will blend with Hardono’s experience in visual arts, musique concrète, and current work with the actualisation of instructional/text scores.The duo will present their musical discoveries and ideas in a concert at the festival’s finale at Eloprogo Art House on Sunday 13 October.

Another collaboration joins three instrumentalists and one voice performer, all of whom are no strangers to experimental improv. A Singaporean percussionist who is active in music performance ranging from avant rock to the fusion of traditional instruments and electronics, Cheryl Ong will join experimental drummer and visual artist Riska Farasonalia; classically-trained Nadya Hatta, who constantly explores beyond the confines of improv piano; and Kuala Lumpur’s Kok Siew-Wai, an experimental voice performer who also works extensively in improv music scenes and film cultures. The quartet is an inspiring mix of musicians who are, in addition to being at the forefront of organising numerous experimental initiatives, also performing in cutting edge music projects in their respective cities. They will perform on 10 October at Societet Militer.

Duto Hardono
Cheryl Ong
Riska Farasonalia
Nadya Hatta
Kok Siew-Wai