All content published under the label PERSPECTIVES complies with our joint Editorial Guidelines to ensure impartiality, multiperspectivity and relevance.

The following core values guide our daily editorial work:
  1. Transnationality by default
  2. Multiperspectivity
  3. Diversity
  4. Inclusivity
  5. Fairness and Impartiality
  6. Editorial independence and Freedom from Bias
  7. Accountability
  8. Storytelling
  9. Solution and future-oriented reporting
  10. Reporting with passion
  11. Reporting with an eye for detail


1. Transnationality by default

We produce content that reflects diverse perspectives across borders, promoting understanding and collaboration. Every topic will be researched and edited by a Transnational Content Team representing journalists from at least two partner countries.  


2. Multiperspectivity

We want to reflect today’s complex realities through multiple voices and viewpoints. We prioritise content that addresses topics of public interest and encourage and enable diverse voices to contribute to the discussion.  


3. Diversity

We want to reach a diverse target group, and we are convinced that this can only be done by diverse editorial teams.  


4. Inclusivity

We strive for inclusive representation and to avoid perpetuating stereotypes or biases through our content. We use inclusive language that respects individuals' identities and backgrounds, promoting a culture of diversity and inclusivity.  


5. Fairness and Impartiality

We present information objectively and avoid favouring any particular viewpoint or interest. We are always transparent, non-discriminatory and accurate. We comply  with the highest ethical and journalistic standards.  


6. Editorial independence and Freedom from Bias 

We maintain editorial independence and avoid undue influence that may compromise the impartiality of our reporting. Editorial independence is also guaranteed in our Grant Agreement with the European Commission.  


7. Accountability

By engaging with our readers and taking their questions, concerns and suggestions seriously, we build trust and foster a positive relationship with our audiences.  
To bring to you truly engaging and informative content, we also commit ourselves to:

8. Storytelling

We bridge small stories and the big news they relate to (we bridge “news” and “the news”). Storytelling is an important instrument for this purpose. We cover small stories that might become big one day - big stories that started small and stories from everyday life that all relate to the wider agenda of politics, society and current affairs.  


9. Solution and future-oriented reporting

We believe in the potential of constructive journalism. When we talk about problems, we also ask for solutions and compare multiple perspectives. We are convinced that journalists and readers not only want to know how things are but also how things could be.  


10. Reporting with passion 

we are passionate about our topics and are not afraid to take positions and make a stand. However, we always remain transparent and disclose our sources.  


11. Reporting with an eye for detail

Curious and open-minded, but also critical and sceptical if need be: we take a close look and also convey background information. We cannot provide up-to-date news coverage on each and every topic and that is also not our goal. We take our time for careful research.

Do you suspect a breach of our editorial guidelines?

Then contact us at