February 2025

Home is where they want to kill you. Stories of migrants who have nothing but faith in Trump (Part 1)

For most of us, home is a place where we take off our shoes, where we are safe, where we go to lock ourselves away from the world. For these people, it's more of a state of mind. It's where they have a moment's peace and hope that they won't have to return to the places they came from. They are fleeing their "homes" where they have been abused, humiliated, and even wanted to kill.

by Václav Lang
first published by revue Prostor under the title
Domov je tam, kde tě chtějí zabít. Příběhy migrantů, jimž zbyla jen víra vTrumpa (1. část)

February 2025

Home is where they want to kill you. Stories of migrants who have nothing but faith in Trump (Part 2)

(TIJUANA) It's Sunday morning, less than a day until Trump's inauguration. The city is freezing, but the sun is already rising above the horizon, sending warm rays down on the Babyloons. We climb the hills far from downtown and the border, and taxi driver Miguel confides that his brother worked as a "coyote" many years ago. There's no other way to refer to the local smugglers.

by Václav Lang
first published by revue Prostor under the title
Domov je tam, kde tě chtějí zabít. Příběhy migrantů, jimž zbyla jen víra vTrumpa (2. část)

February 2025

AI girlfriend? What about the AI boyfriend! Toxic mobsters and bullies earn millions of interactions

An article about relationships established through AI chats. Often it is pointed to relationships where a man seeks (heteronormatively) female chats. David Laufer's article reports on the opposite situation. But in the flood of headlines about virtual girlfriends, it's easy to lose the other side of the coin - the one for which we don't have such an established idea, science fiction images or literature in our culture. What about AI partners?

by David Laufer
first published by revue Prostor under the title
AI přítelkyně? Aco AI přítel! Toxičtí mafiáni asurovci sklízí miliony interak

January 2025

Ruby slippers aren't enough. Absence of home as the root cause of the vicious cycle of trauma

Homelessness is most often associated with the image of a man lying on a bench with a bottle in his hand. But what other forms can it take? In what ways does the absence of a home inscribe itself in our lives, our ability to form relationships and social integration, the conditions needed to deal with this problem? This deeply personal account turns conventional ideas about homelessness upside down. Is it most often caused by relational trauma?

by Maja Rysová
first published by revue Prostor under the title
Rubínové střevíce nestačí. Absence domova jako základní příčina začarovaného kruhu traumatu

December 2024

Can we take this further than a hateful poster? The SPD campaign has shown that most Czechs don't care about racism

„We were born here, we grew up here, we study, we work, we raise our children. Most of us are planning our future here. We are part of Czech society, but we have dark skin. According to the SPD and its supporters, we are a risk. We are alone in our struggle to convince the public that we are not.“ On racism in Czech politics and the reactions of the Czech public from the perspective of a "dark-skinned" author.

by Natálie Sousa
first published by revue Prostor under the title
Můžeme to dotáhnout dál než na nenávistný plakát? Kampaň SPD ukázala, že většině Čechů je rasizmus jedno

October 2024

In the light of the star and the crescent moon

A personal testimony of a young woman who is half Muslim and half Jewish, living in Europe. A text reflecting on the question of what her identity actually is, on Islamophobia linked to the migrant crisis and the ever-present anti-Semitism. It asks how identity is formed, to what extent it is chosen, and to what extent it is a projection of those around her, such as family, friends and the foreign public.

by Melika Yildiz
first published by revue Prostor under the title
Ve svitu hvězdy apůlměsíce