March 2025

How long does it take for a wound to heal?

There have been protests in Serbia for more than 100 days. The collapse of a concrete canopy at the Novi Sad railway station, which tragically killed 15 people, sparked mass demonstrations across the country. The signatories of Students in Blockade shared their letter—written in December 2024—outlining the background of their protests.

by Student in a blockade
first published by revue Prostor under the title
How long does it take for a wound to heal?

February 2025

Stop and go: Chișinău's bumpy (bicycle) road to Europe

Following a very close referendum and the re-election of pro-European President Maia Sandu, the Republic of Moldova is on a shaky course towards the EU. A new cycle path in Chișinău shows just how bumpy the road to Europe can be in everyday life.

by Christian-Zsolt Varga, Ramin Mazur
first published by Jádu under the title
Stop and go: Chișinăus holpriger (Fahrrad)Weg nach Europa

December 2024

Police brutality, but also unusual expressions of solidarity. Notes from the demonstrations in Georgia

A group of students report on the protests in Georgia that erupted after Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze announced a halt to the country's accession negotiations to join the EU by 2028.

by Robo Mihály, Michal Vasiľ, Virág Emma Csuport
first published in Kapitál under the title
Policajná brutalita, ale aj nevšedné prejavy solidarity. Zápisky z demonštrácií v Gruzínsku