Rema Ibrahim Khedr

Rema Ibrahim Khedr © private

Rema Ibrahim Khedr

A Syrian poet from the city of Homs, born on October 22, 1976. Member of the Arab Writers Union in Syria. Member of the Union of Arab Journalists. Mechanical engineer. Winner of many literary awards, including: Salah Helal Award for Story in 2011, the Free Pen Award for Creativity in Egypt for my poetry book When I Was Alive in 2014; Second place award in the International Press Poetry Competition. Fifth place in the Omar Abu Risha Competition of the year 2017, which is annually held by the Syrian Ministry of Culture; Among the first poets who were nominated for the second stage of the Sham Poets Competition. She participated in many poetry evenings and festivals. Including the Almond Festival, the Poetry Festival in Salamiyah, the Homs Festival for Young Poets, the annual Poetry Festival on World Poetry Day.

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