Film Screenings
The Simurgh Festival hosted Hamburg based filmmaker Zamarin Wahdat and screened her work for the diverse audience at our centre. The films were Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (if you’re a girl) (2019) a documentary directed by Carol Dysinger – about Afghan girls who wish to learn to read, write and skateboard and the dreams they have in the context of their political climate. This was accompanied by a screening of Bambirak (2020), directed by Zamarin Wahdat. Bambirak was about an eight-year Afghan girl living in Germany with her father, and the everyday racism they face as they go about their lives.
The film screenings were followed by a Q&A session with Zamarin Wahdat where she spoke of her experiences and her connection with Afghanistan and the Afghan community, and her journey as a filmmaker.
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The film screenings were followed by a Q&A session with Zamarin Wahdat where she spoke of her experiences and her connection with Afghanistan and the Afghan community, and her journey as a filmmaker.
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