The Breadmaker
Desire Of The Blue Sky

A day in the life of Atta Mohammad, a baker working hard to supply bread (naan) to the Afghan community living in the heart of Khirkee.


I come to work around four in the morning, and work until nine in the evening.

naan is at the heart of every meal. In the narrow streets of Khirkee, the Afghan community heads to the naanbai, or bakers, who work from dawn till late at night to supply their daily bread. 

Desire of the Blue Sky’ follows Atta Mohammad, one such baker as he goes about an ordinary day in his small shop. We meet his customers, learn about the challenges he faces as a refugee, and his dreams for his future. 

All Khirkee Stories

A Day In My Life
© Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan
Desire Of The Blue Sky
© Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan
The Breadmaker Desire Of The Blue Sky
© Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan
Little Dreams
© Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan