One day, while engaged in the task of gathering jagua fruits, Chidima, a young girl from the Embera Katío tribe, finds herself drawn towards a glowing, mystical toad. This unusual creature leads her into the restricted area of a hydroelectric power plant, a development that poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of her village. In the course of her unintended adventure, she stumbles upon a sacred cave, a discovery that fills her with fear and awe. Overcome with a mix of emotions, Chidima rushes back to her village to share the tale of her discovery with her grandfather. Her recounting of the events, initially born out of fear, turns into a narrative of unexpected hope for her community. The sacred cave, shrouded in mystery and now revealed through her accidental exploration, holds potential significance for the Embera Katío people. It represents not just a physical space but a symbol of cultural heritage and resilience, offering new possibilities for her people to confront and possibly overcome the challenges posed by the encroaching presence of modern infrastructure.