The Green REV Institute's documentary, "Dining on Despair," directed by Marcin Anaszewicz, embarks on an exploratory journey into the future of food in the 21st century, highlighting the urgent need for a shift in food production paradigms towards plant-based diets and a significant reduction in industrial animal agriculture. Prof. Piotr Skubala from the REV Expert Council underscores the documentary's call for radical change, featuring insights from nine diverse individuals ranging from Green REV Institute activists passionate about climate and food system reform, to political representatives and science experts, offering a multifaceted view on the importance of embracing veganism and ending factory farming. The film not only presents compelling arguments and emotional testimonies but also showcases small victories achieved by organizations and individuals advocating for legislative changes to promote plant-based diets and reduce animal suffering. Through this documentary, viewers gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex debate surrounding a more humane, environmentally friendly approach to food production, animal rights, and climate respect.