Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

Knietzsche and Puberty

Primary School (9-11 years)

Focus Theme:
2021 Health and Wellbeing

Knietzsche says that when weird things happen to your body and feelings, you feel like an alien. Puberty is a phase of your life in which many things are sorted anew - in body, heart and brain. With curiosity and patience you will find out everything you want to know about the new YOU. One thing is for sure: You are not an alien - only temporarily in an alien hormonal-state-of-emergency.

  • Categories Family Edutainment

  • Original Title Knietzsche und Pubertät
  • Director Anja von Kampen
  • Produced by vision X Mediengesellschaft GmbH
  • Running Time 3 minutes
  • Country Germany
  • Year 2020

Suitable Teaching Resources

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