Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

The Coral Rescuers of the Caribbean

University and General Public

Around the world, coral reefs are fighting for survival due to global warming. The film follows two biologists on the Caribbean island of Curacao as they try to make corals more resilient for the future with a new scientific approach. The idea is to increase the fertilization rates of the corals and then make it easier for the tiny coral larvae to survive their first, difficult days. In the process, the team goes through a roller coaster of emotions. Many initial attempts fail. Countless problems have to be solved. But then a method is finally developed that gives hope for the corals' future.

  • Categories

  • Original Title Die Korallenretter der Karibik
  • Director Florian Guthknecht
  • Produced by Längengrad
  • Running Time 52 minutes
  • Country France
  • Year 2022

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