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Science Cliption – Tomatoes in Space

École secondaire (12 à 16 ans)

Thème de discussion:
2018 La révolution alimentaire

Space flight has its challenges: In addition to temperature fluctuations, cosmic radiation, a vacuum and weightlessness, the common astronaut must also deal with the following question: What’s for dinner? So far, the selection is not large: food is packed in tubes and sachets and is rarely a culinary delight. But that is about to change: at the DLR Institute for Space Systems in Bremen, they are researching the cultivation of vegetables in space. Tomate Tom explains the role of the tomato of all vegetables in an interview.

  • Catégories Sciences naturelles, sciences de la vie et technologie

  • Titre original Science Cliption – Tomaten im Weltall
  • Scénariste Simon Wenkelewsky
  • Produit par IMAGE in MOTION / Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen
  • Durée 4:11 Minutes
  • Pays Allemagne
  • Année 2017

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