In this animated short film, viewers are transported into a universe where the mysteries of astrophysics blend seamlessly with the art of gastronomy. Inspired by the connection between the cosmos and culinary metaphors, the film embarks on an exploratory journey to answer age-old questions about our origins, composition, and the inception of the universe. Through a unique artistic lens, the film marries high-resolution, 360° macrophotography images of food with the latest research in astrophysics, creating an immersive experience that echoes the textures, colors, and dynamics of cosmic phenomena. As liquid spirals and crystallized textures unfold in a symphony of light and matter, the film invites audiences to rediscover the joy of exploration and wonder. Through witty reflections and concrete examples, it shines a new light on our understanding of the physical world, evoking the childlike awe of discovery under the starlit sky of a planetarium dome.