This animation series features a very curious Darwin's Frog who explores the world around it and learns about environmental care, what to do in case of disasters and how to face the challenges of climate change. Darwin looks at the news that extreme weather events occur in different parts of the world related to climate change and realizes that it also affects its own environment.

Sustainable Development Goals

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
13 - Climate Action
14 - Life below Water
15 - Life on Land

  • Các thể loại Giải trí giáo dục Gia đình

  • Tựa đề nguyên bản Planeta Darwin
  • Đạo diễn Esteban Gómez
  • Sản xuất bởi Consejo Nacional de Televisión
  • Trong thời gian 5:00 Nhiều phút
  • Quốc gia Chile
  • Năm 2020

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