
Invigningsevenemanget tod plats den 22 mars.
Modersmål i skolor i Europa - perspektiv, möjligheter och utmaningar

Stort tack till alla som deltog.
Programmets innehåll var:

Key points:
  1. Keynote Speech: Gisi Cannizzaro (Heritage Language Education Network)

    Countless ways to support HL educators

    “Heritage language (HL) education programs benefit society in multiple ways. At the individual level, the maintenance of linguistic and cultural heritage by HL programs can lead to an overall increased well-being of multilingual students. At the societal level, HL programs build knowledge and skills that help communities sustain a culture of peace, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity.

    HL programs are most successful when they are backed by the broader communities where they operate. Something as simple as citizens being aware of which heritage language education programs are available in their region can lead to greater sustainability of those programs! In this talk, we highlight additional ways appreciation and support can be shown for active language groups that arrange language and culture education to multilingual children. In light of the EU project “Your Language Counts,” we show that a great deal be done worldwide to improve the circumstances surrounding this valuable form of education, making reference to the recently launched Global Call to Action for Heritage Language Education.”
  2. EU-Projekt “Your Language Counts! All languages matter in a multilingual society, starting in school.”:
    - Erfahren Sie mehr über das von der EU und Erasmus+ unterstützte Projekt
    - Lernen Sie, wie diese Initiative das interkulturelle Bewusstsein in ganz Europa fördert.
  3. Interaktive Umfrage: Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie mit HSU?
  4. Podiumsdiskussion:
    - „Herkunftssprachliche Bildung in Schweden, Finnland, de