Writing Contest “Work” The World of Work
Illustration: © Tobias Schrank
What significance did work have in life in the past, what significance does it have today? Fadzai Nova looks at the arduous work routines of our ancestors and how digitalisation benefits us today. Her poem formulates a hope – for all people.
The world of work has been changinggradually shifting from what it once was
In the past, our ancestors worked the land
their lives dependant on the flow of seasons
our parents walked a long straight path
from school to work without breathing
I smile, work has become a fluid thing
not the rigid box it once was
I can work in any country, office or home
and sometimes all I need is my phone
All this technology has made us braver
sharing information has made us safer
but with our focus getting shorter and shorter
will robots replace jobs across borders?
I hope work evolves to mean something more
than earning a living and accolades on the wall
I hope it can mean … one finds true purpose
for the good of humanity, for the good of All