Psychological test Which Thomas Mann novel character are you?

Illustrations of Mann's novel characters: (from left) Felix Krull, Hans Castorp, Sesemi Weichbrod, Imma Spoelmann
Illustration: © Beatrice Davies

IImpostors, dreamers, unconventional free spirits and crazy dogs. Thomas Mann's works feature many exciting novel characters. The author often drew inspiration for his protagonists from his own environment. Which novel character are you? Find out with our psychological test. The answers you pick most often will reveal your result.

1. What does happiness mean to you?

a)  A life full of pleasure, success and recognition.
b)  A life in harmony with moral values and the feeling of doing good.
c)  Inner peace, knowledge and a deep understanding of the world.
d)  Independence, self-realisation and the freedom to realise my dreams.

2. What value does honesty have in your relationships?

a)  Honesty is relative; it depends on what‘s useful to me.
b)  Honesty is important, but the truth is often complex and multi-layered.
c)  Honesty is the foundation of every relationship; without it there is no trust.
d)  Honesty is important to me. I am not afraid to speak my mind openly, even if it causes

3. How do you like to spend your free time?

a)  With friends and on adventures.
b)  Doing meaningful activities, such as learning new languages.
c)  While reading and thinking.
d)  Undertaking new experiences and challenges.

4. What motivates you the most?

a)  Social recognition and success
b)  Fulfilling duties and adhering to moral standards
c)  The pursuit of knowledge and wisdom
d)  Independence and the opportunity to live by my own values

5. Which book would you most like to read now?

a)  An exciting adventure novel
b)  A classic Bildungsroman
c)  A profound philosophical work
d)  A coming-of-age novel

6. Which quote appeals to you the most?

a)  “What a glorious gift is imagination, and what satisfaction it affords!”  
b)   “Be happy, my good child!” 
c)   “For the sake of goodness and love, man shall let death have no sovereignty over his
d)   “You're a good friend to me, I shall always love you.” 

7. What is most important to you in a friendship?

a)  Loyalty and fun
b)  Trust and support
c)  In-depth conversations and understanding
d)  Honesty and respect

8. What movie would you watch?

a)  Catch me if you can
b)  The Flying Classroom
c)  Melancholia
d)  Call Me by Your Name

9. How would your friends describe you?

a)  Charming and funny
b)  Strict but sincere
c)  Thoughtful and philosophical
d)  Self-confident and independent

Count your selected answers now and find out the result!

Mostly a: Felix Krull 
Mostly b: Sesemi Weichbrodt 
Mostly c: Hans Castorp 
Mostly d: Imma Spoelmann 


Illustration of Felix Krull Illustration: © Beatrice Davies

Felix Krull: the charming impostor

You are Felix Krull. He is the main character in Thomas Mann's novel: Confessions of Felix Krull. Krull is born lucky: he is charming, intelligent and extremely determined. He has an extraordinary ability to deceive people and win them over. He is adaptable, versatile and slips into different roles to achieve his goals. His ambition, single-mindedness and willingness to take risks help him to secure his social advancement. He makes complex plans to carry out his fraudulent activities successfully. Krull is aware of his effect on others and his vanity drives him to stage ever greater deceptions. He sees the world as one great dream for the fulfilment of his wishes. An amateur in the realm of the possible.

Illustration of Sesemi Weichbrodt Illustration: © Beatrice Davies

Sesemi Weichbrodt:  the principled teacher

You are Therese (Sesemi) Weichbrodt. She is a character from the novel Buddenbrooks: The  Decline of a Family and is called Sesemi by everyone. Sesemi is a teacher and friend of the Buddenbrook family. She attaches great importance to order, discipline and moral values. She has a maternal side, which is evident in her care for the students, but can also be very resolute and unyielding when it comes to following rules and duties. She is principled and morally upright, living by strict ethical precepts and expecting the same from others. Education is very important to her and she sees it as her task to shape her students not only academically, but also in terms of character. Sesemi enjoys great respect and admiration for her wisdom and dedication.

Illustration of Hans Castorp: Illustration: © Beatrice Davies

Hans Castorp: the thoughtful philosopher

You are Hans Castorp. He is the “naïve”, grail-seeking hero of Thomas Mann's novel The Magic Mountain – a purist. The young engineer from Hamburg is a thoughtful person. He focuses intensively on life‘s big questions and searches for a deeper meaning in the world around him. He is a little sleepy and loves cigars of the brand “Maria Mancini”. Castorp is torn between two opposing influences. His character symbolises the bourgeoisie, which moves in the volatile premise between the highest humanistic achievements on the one hand and radical ideologies on the other. His mentors Settembrini and Naphta influence his intellectual and moral development. He is madly in love with the Russian Clavdia Chauchat. In the seven years he spends in the Davos sanatorium setting, Castorp cures himself of his idealistic illusions. He goes to war and his fate remains uncertain.


Illustration of Imma Spoelmann Illustration: © Beatrice Davies

Imma Spoelmann: the free-spirited non-conformist

You are Imma Spoelmann. She is a character from Thomas Mann's novel Royal Highness. Imma is confident, independent and does not submit to the traditional expectations of her time. She is intelligent, perceptive, direct and sassy. Despite her wealth, she is down-to-earth and human. Imma inspires and supports Prince Klaus Heinrich, helps him to question his values and goals, and brings new momentum into his life. She has the ability to break open rigid social norms, and brings a breath of fresh air into the aristocratic world. Imma loves her dog Percy, who is half crazy and always excited. Percy the collie is the parody of a degenerate and neurotic nobleman.

Many thanks to Beatrice Davies for the wonderful illustrations.