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Marcel Velázquez Castro

Marcel Velázquez Castro


Marcel Velázquez Castro is an essayist and literary critic. He conducts research on press, racism and culture. He holds a PhD in Latin American Literature from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito). He has a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s in Literature from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the UNMSM. Among his latest published books are El sujeto esclavista y las rutas del racismo (The Slaver and the Routes of Racism) (2005) and La mirada de los gallinazos. Cuerpo, fiesta y mercancía en el imaginario sobre Lima (The Vultures’ Viewpoint. Body, party and commodity in the imaginary about Lima) (2013). He has edited La república de papel. Política e imaginación social en la prensa peruana del siglo XIX (The Paper Republic. Politics and social imagination in the Peruvian press in the 19th century) (2009) and with Ulrich Mücke Autobiografía del Perú republicano. Ensayos sobre historia y la narrativa del yo (Autobiography of republican Peru. Essays on History and the Narrative of the Self) (2015) and with Cristóbal Aljovín Voces de la modernidad, Perú 1750-1870. Lenguajes de la Independencia y de la República (Voices of Modernity, Peru 1750-1870. Languages of Independence and the Republic (2017).  

Contributions by Marcel Velázquez Castro