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Richard Ali

Richard Ali


Richard Ali is a Nigerian lawyer and writer. Author of the 2012 novel, City of Memories, Richard held a public policy-shaping role as a Technical Assistant to the Honourable Minister of Interior from 2015 to 2017, working on the Ministry Strategy Group (MSG). He is presently Programme Manager of the Association of Nigerian Authors Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (ANA PCVE) programme.

He maintains #EngagingBorders, a weekly internal security column at Daily Nigerian and has co-authored a chapter titled “Governance, Climate Change and Security Challenges: The Case of Lake Chad in Governance and Security in the Sahel” published by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Rome.

A founding member of the Nairobi-based writers’ collective, Jalada Africa, he has worked on several anthologies, as well as on translations, including a Naija Langwej translation of a maqamat of al-Hariri of Basra (d. 1122). His debut collection of poems, The Anguish and Vigilance of Things, was published in 2019. He recently spoke about the emerging “dictatorship of disinformation” for Deutsche Welle’s Global Media Forum 2020.

Contributions by Richard Ali