homepage Zeitgeister The Cultural Magazine of the Goethe-Institut

​Tania Palamkote

​Tania Palamkote


Tania Palamkote completed a bachelor's and master's degree in media art/media design at the Bauhaus University Weimar between 2012 and 2019. She soon developed a predilection for audio-visual sound art. Concentrating on experimental radio, she was able to fully focus on her love of the voice, personal and feature stories. Since 2019 she has been working as a freelance writer, journalist and director for the Bayerischer Rundfunk and Deutschlandfunk Kultur. In addition, Palamkote won the silver award at this year's VDRJ Columbus Radio Prize for her reportage on Belgrad-Bar.

Contributions by ​Tania Palamkote