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A photograph of Tobias Ginsburg

Tobias Ginsburg


Theater director

Tobias Ginsburg is a writer, journalist and theatre director. His books, articles and plays are based on intensive, long-term and sometimes dangerous undercover investigations. His literary nonfiction debut, “Die Reise ins Reich “ (The Journey into the Reich, 2018), is an undercover exploration of Germany’s conspiracy theorists and right-wing fringe groups. A new, expanded edition of the book came out in 2021, for which Ginsburg infiltrated the rapidly growing anti-vaxxer movement. His most recent book, “Die Letzten Männer des Westens” (The Last Men of the West), is about the connections between fascism, toxic masculinity and anti-feminism, for which he spent a year and a half infiltrating the far-right, neo-Nazi and clerico-fascist scenes in Germany, Poland and the United States.

Contributions by Tobias Ginsburg