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Aldri Anunciação

Aldri Anunciação

Author, screenwriter and director

Aldri Anunciação, from Salvador de Bahia, won the Jabuti Literature Award (2013) for his book Namíbia, não! (Ed. Perspectiva). He’s an author, playwright, screenwriter and director. He recently released the book Trilogia do Confinamento (Ed. Perspectiva). He was also recently awarded Best Screenplay at the Memphis Indie Film Festival (USA) and the Manuel Barba Award for Best Screenplay (Huelva Festival in Spain) as screenwriter of the film Medida Provisoria directed by Lázaro Ramos. He also received the Comenda do Mérito Cultural in 2014 in Bahia (Brasil). He is the screenwriter of two TV documentaries called Conexão Bahia and Conversa Preta on Bahia Broadcasting TV (Rede Globo). He holds a PHd in Dramaturgy with the thesis “The Poetics of Discordance: Self-decolonization of the Author Through the Decolonization of the Fictional Characters” at PPGAC-UFBa in 2021. He is currently developing a streaming fictional series project.

Contributions by Aldri Anunciação