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Charlotte Krafft

Charlotte Krafft


Born in Berlin in 1991, Charlotte Krafft studied German literature at Humboldt-Universität und literary writing at the Literaturinstitut Leipzig. She is a founding member of the literature collective Rich Kids of Literature and inventor of “hyperirony”. Her first book of short stories Die Palmen am Strand von Acapulco, sie nicken was published by Korbinian Verlag in 2020. In 2020, she was invited to take part in the stadt.land.text residency programme. The following year, she received the Berlin Senate’s working scholarship for authors. Her debut novel Marlow im Sand was published in September 2022. Her debut screenplay Die Spökenkiekerin und das Fräulein premiered at the 44th Filmfestival Max Ophüls the following spring.

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Contributions by Charlotte Krafft