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meLê yamomo

meLê yamomo


meLê yamomo was born in Manila and now lives in Amsterdam and Berlin. He is a theatre maker, composer, and sound scholar. yamomo is Assistant Professor of Theatre, Performance and Sound Studies at the University of Amsterdam and author of the book “Sounding Modernities.” He is the project leader and principal investigator of the European Joint Programming Initiative Cultural Heritage (JPICH) project Decolonizing Southeast Asian Archives (DeCoSEAS), and the Netherlands Research Organization (NWO) project “Sonic Entanglements.” meLê is also resident artist at Theater Ballhaus Naunynstrasse where his productions are on repertoire. In his work as an artist and researcher, yamomo explores the themes of sonic migration, queer aesthetics and post/decolonial acoustic epistemologies. 

In August 2023 he was the curatorial director of the Bauhaus.Listening.Workshop in Manila as part of the project “Listening to the world - 100 years of radio.”

Contributions by meLê yamomo