Translators’ Stammtisch with Odile Kennel

Translator's Stammtisch
Photo: Goethe-Institut Glasgow

Join us online as we kick off the autumn season of our regular translation workshops with a conversation with German author and translator Odile Kennel.

Join us in-person or online for this hybrid meeting of our regular translators’ get-together!

We’re delighted that Odile Kennel will be joining us for a discussion about multilingual writing, the parallels and divergences between writing and translating, and her own journey to becoming a translator.

Odile Kennel © Jan Beumelburg

Odile Kennel is a Berlin-based poet, novelist and poetry translator working across French, Portuguese, Spanish and English. She writes in German and French and likes to include other languages in her texts. Her recent publications include the poetry collection “irgendetwas dazwischen” (Verlagshaus Berlin, 2023) and the essay “Lust” (Verlagshaus Berlin, 2021). In 2022, she received the Paul Scheerbart Prize from the Heinrich Maria Ledig-Rowohlt Foundation for her poetry translations. Most recently, she translated Lisette Lombé's brennen brennen brennen (Association A, 2024).

These peer-to-peer workshops, hosted by Annie Rutherford, are aimed at emerging and established literary translators working from any language into English. Meet fellow translators to discuss your work and the joys and challenges of (literary) translation.

Participants are invited to bring along an excerpt from their current work-in-progress (up to 1000 words, prose, poetry or non-fiction, destined for publication or pleasure) to share and workshop.


Although late-comers are welcome, new members are asked to register on Eventbrite ideally at least 3 working days prior to the event. This will enable us to include you in the mailing list and send you the relevant reading material. Those already on the mailing list do not have to register again.

Back to the events series for further information.


Price: Free Admission
Part of series Translation Workshop