Die Präsidentin Prof. Dr. Carola Lentz
Interviews und Reden

Hier finden Sie Interviews und Reden der Präsidentin Carola Lentz, die seit 2020 Präsidentin des Goethe-Instituts ist. 

24. Mai 2023
Speech on the occasion of the African Music Days Munich

Speech by Carola Lentz on the occasion of the African Music Days Munich on 24 May 2023 at the Muffatwerk in Munich.

1. März 2021
“What interests me is: how are global debates shaped – both locally and regionally?”

Carola Lentz, an internationally acclaimed anthropologist, has been president of the Goethe‑Institut since mid-November 2020. She talks to Latitude about her focus on central themes of the global discourse and the role of educational and cultural work in a globalised world.

13. November 2020
Speech on the occasion of the transition of office on 13 november 2020

Inaugural speech by Prof. Dr. Carola Lentz
