Cultural mobility
Culture Moves Europe Individual Mobility Action

Culture Moves Europe supports cultural mobility in all 40 Creative Europe countries. It is funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and implemented by Goethe-Institut. The Individual Mobility Action targets artists and cultural professionals.

Collage with laughing woman and writing Culture moves Europe © Artwork: Goethe-Institut / European Commission 2023; Image Source: © Adobe Stock; ©

Conditions of Funding

Artists and cultural professionals who are legal residents of the 40 Creative Europe countries, at least 18 years old and active in one of the participating sectors. They receive financial support to carry out a project with a partner in another Creative Europe country. Applications are open to individuals and groups of up to five people.

Individuals can travel between 7 and 60 days, groups between 7 and 21 days.

Grantees benefit from support to travel and subsistence costs as well as individual top-ups based on their project and personal situation.

Projects related to formal education or travel to merely present previously created work at concerts, exhibitions etc. are not supported.

  • What is the applicant(s) goal and why is the mobility relevant?
  • Is the project adequately planned (with the international partner, duration, etc.)?
  • What will be the long-term positive impacts of the project?
  • Are sustainability aspects taken into account (eg. means of transportation, materials used, etc.)?

  • ID
  • Proof of legal residence
  • CV (in English)
  • Portfolio (in English)
  • Confirmation of cooperation with the international partner
Please check the call document for more information.

Culture Moves Europe is implemented by the Goethe-Institut. Applications can be submitted by the applicants themselves via the Goethe-Application Portal. We advise applying at least four months before the desired travel date.

For more information, visit the European Commission's Culture Moves Europe Individual Mobility website.

Please draw your attention to the applicable Data Protection.

Application deadline

Closing date for applications is 31 May 2024.

The call for applications is a so-called "rolling call" – applications are reviewed on a monthly basis and funding is awarded immediately afterwards.

From past experience, many applicants wait until the last deadline to submit their application. This means that the competition is significantly higher in the last month; we therefore advise submitting the application at an earlier monthly deadline.


Culture Moves Europe

Further information

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