Super Artistic AI – SAAI Factory

SAAI Factory addresses various thematic challenges within the art world: digital spheres as sites of collaboration, presentation, creativity or aesthetics. These concepts, primarily derived from cultural, sociological and humanistic frameworks, meet the appeal of a certain "newness" that comes with a large number of technology-centred artworks. The most significant and perhaps most important element that SAAI investigates in art is the man-machine process. While the first phase of SAAI Factory, the hackathon, enabled the active human-machine process within a digital sphere, the second phase represents the act of exhibiting this designated collaborative process. This interactive human-machine process is still questioned from different perspectives: Can it be called art if a machine was involved? Or is perhaps the machine itself the work of art? Who is the author? SAAI Factory is a project initiated by Hamburg-based artist Christoph Faulhaber. The concept of an international, interdisciplinary production platform for artistic production and artificial intelligence has become a collaborative project co-organised by many. There were more than 60 project submissions from international, interdisciplinary teams or individuals. In total there were over 570 individual submissions from over 70 countries - most from India, USA, Saudi Arabia, Germany, UK, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Nigeria.

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