Cities Ahead Academy Augsburg

The Cities Ahead Academy Augsburg was organised by the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with the Department for Culture, World Heritage and Sport of the City of Augsburg from 1-3 February 2023.
I am extremely pleased that we can exchange ideas on the topics of sustainability, creative urban development, but also [...] Creative Economy and finally start a European network.
Jürgen Enninger – Referat für Kultur, Welterbe und Sport | City of Augsburg

Topics and workshops

The Creative City – The City as a Creative Ecosystem
Expert: Charles Landry (Urbanist and Author “The Creative City“)

European Benchmarking in Cultural City Development
Expert: Valentina Montalto (Co-Author „Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor” 2017 & 2019)

Culture and City Networks - UNESCO Creative Cities, EUROCITIES and More
Expert: Rainer Kern (Special Advisor Global Network and UN Affairs | City of Mannheim)

Creative Potential of Art and Culture for Sustainable Urban Development
Expert: Dr. Ralf Weiß (REFLEXIVO – Office for Innovation and Change)

Open Call Augsburg – Placemaking

In cooperation with the Department for Culture, World Heritage and Sport of the City of Augsburg, Cities Ahead has launched an open call to creatives worldwide. We were looking for placemaking projects for the creative (temporary) transformation of public space in Augsburg, in the overarching context of sustainable cultural urban development. The focus should be on the needs, aspirations, wishes and visions of the local population.

The placemaking projects are intended to strengthen the connections between people and places and relate to one of the following two locations in Augsburg:

The selected practices were presented during the Theaterquartierskonferenz 2023 in Augsburg on 14. and 15. November.

Selected practices for Augsburg

Nick Tobier/ EverydayPlaces and Roland Graf/ Assocreation (USA)
Red Crossing

Red Crossing is a walkway, a surprising passage that can be activated by as few as 10 people and as many as 200. This cooperative and open ended civic structure turns an ordinary street into a red carpet that calls up allusions of everything from gala events and opening ceremonies to processions, parades and shared celebration.

Red Crossing challenges the assumptions of utilitarian human movement and flow through public space with buoyancy and collective action through continuous formations and re-formations of its bouncing surface and its surrounding supporters.
AnkaraAks (Turkey)

AnkaraAks is a passionate collective in the creative industries, dedicated to place-making projects. Embracing diversity and inclusion, they collaborate with people of all ages and backgrounds. By engaging the local community through public surveys and discussions, they empower residents to shape their surroundings.

Their three-stage process involves gathering information, fostering participation through innovative methods, and implementing ideas collaboratively. Through sub-activities called TALKIT, WALKIT, DREAMIT and DISCUSSIT, they gather ideas directly from the people in the area. Their collaborative approach ensures that the final outcomes align with the collective vision and desires of the community. By transforming these ideas into tangible realities, they create vibrant and resilient urban spaces that enhance the daily lives of residents and visitors.


Goethe-Institut e.V. | Cities Ahead

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