Advanced training principles

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DLL uses the methods of action research to provide teachers with practice-based advanced training:

Aktionsforschung ©Goethe-Institut

  • DLL regularly encourages course participants to observe their own lessons and lessons delivered by others
  • Course participants can identify and test new teaching strategies in the classroom
  • DLL supplements theoretical knowledge acquisition with experiential learning involving research and reflection
  • DLL understands teaching out of the classroom context and is based on the concept of competence orientation 

In an interview at didacta 2012, Prof. Michael Legutke explains the concept of competence orientation:


Practical Exploration Projects (PEPs) are the most important tool in action research:

  • they enable participants to focus on their own teaching practice
  • PEPs allow teachers to observe, assess and, if necessary, adapt their own teaching practices in a question-led, structured way
  • discussions with other course participants allows teachers to view situations from different perspectives

Lesson documentation

Another important element of DLL is lesson documentation (“Unterrichtsdokumentation”, or UDO):

  • this consists of recordings of real-life German lessons with different target groups
  • the documentation is for observation purposes and should not be considered best-practice models
  • it allows teachers to reflect on lessons within the broader context
  • DLL offers sample lessons from face-to-face and online teaching contexts

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