Pre-Integration and Transition management
Ensuring a successful migration process

We support people who wish to migrate to Germany on a permanent basis for professional or personal reasons by preparing them for day-to-day living and the workplace. We offer a range of services to help them in their origin country before they depart and during the early days in Germany. Over the longer term, the goal is to encourage migrants to integrate with society in Germany.

A woman with two children from behind in a street © Goethe-Institut / Louisa Marie Summer


locations at which pre-integration services are provided


Infohaus locations across Germany for initial orientation and networking


Welcome Coaches as points of contact for new migrants


languages on the “Mein Weg nach Deutschland” website

Forum: Prepare. Support. Arrive.

We invite you to our Forum: Prepare. Support. Arrive at the Schankhalle Pfefferberg in Berlin to conclude the three-year project phase of the project ‘Pre-integration and transition management - successfully shaping the migration process’, to present the evaluation and to discuss the results with politicians, academics, companies, businesses and migrant self-organisations.

12 1PM – 13 May 2:30PM 2025
Berlin, Schankhalle Pfefferberg

KeyVisual Abschlussveranstaltung Forum Vorbereiten.Begleiten.Ankommen © Goethe-Institut © Goethe-Institut

The Bridge


The Goethe-Institut offers migrants a qualified preparation service for day-to-day living and the workplace in Germany, which they can access before leaving their origin country. Programmes include in particular targeted regional and intercultural content, as well as advice and learning support services. Migrant workers are an increasingly important target group, as well as joining spouses.

People on the street. © Getty Images, Jedrzej Kaminski EyeEm © Getty Images, Jedrzej Kaminski EyeEm

Transition Management

New migrants are supported during the transition phase, starting immediately before departure and covering their initial orientation in Germany, and they are shown how to navigate the official integration pathway. This is achieved with a programme of information and advice offered in digital format and through in-person sessions.

A young smiling woman stands in front of the Brandenburg Tor in Berlin. © Alina Holtmann / Maridav © Alina Holtmann / Maridav


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  • Logo Vorintegration und Übergangsmanagement

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