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Three female participants of the EU-course 2017 Berlin look at a cell phone together and laugh© Bernhard Ludewig

Europanetzwerk Deutsch

The promotion of German and French in the EU institutions was considered by Dr. Klaus Kinkel (German Federal Foreign Minister 1985-1995) and Jacques Delors (President of the EU Commission 1985-1995) as an important contribution to multilingualism in Europe. That was the beginning of an intensive language course programme, which initially under the name "DeutschLand - Sprachkurse in Deutschland" (German Country - Language Courses in Germany) and later as "Europanetzwerk Deutsch" (European German Network) still attracts a great deal of interest today.
Since 1994, the Federal Foreign Office has supported the promotion of German as a working and processing language in the EU institutions with this language course programme in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut. It was an important concern of the founding father and then Foreign Minister Dr Klaus Kinkel to strengthen the German language in the European context in this way.

The Future is Europe, Brüssel © Goethe-Institut, Isabel Stüker

The History of Europanetzwerk Deutsch

How has the Europanetzwerk Deutsch developed since its foundation? What were the highlights? Immerse yourself in our history and find out more about our work.

Jubiläum © Eric Berghen


‘Europanetzwerk Deutsch’ has been promoting German as a working and procedural language in European institutions since 1994. The programme celebrated its 25th anniversary in Brussels in 2019.

Europa. Deine Sprachen. ©

Europe. Your Languages.

On the occasion of the European trio presidency, Germany-Portugal-Slovenia, the Europanetzwerk Deutsch examined the role of multilingualism in Europe. Under the title Europe. Your languages. various events took place in 2020 and 2021.

Your recipe for Europe © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Nachtmann

The European Cookbook

Europe is varied, diverse and welcoming: with the help of your recipe contributions, we have created the first Europanetzwerk Deutsch cookbook on the occasion of Europe Day 2022.

EU-04 Berlin Brüssel 2018 © Goethe-Institut

German in the European Union

What does it look like, how can it be shaped, the role of German in the institutions of the European Union? An exciting panel discussion took place on this topic in the plenary hall of the Akademie der Künste on Pariser Platz in Berlin.

Europanetzwerk Deutsch © Europanetzwerk Deutsch/Goethe-Institut

WDR-Europaforum in Brussels 2014

As part of the WDR-Europaforum, that takes place in Berlin since 2007, alumni of the Europanetzwerk Deutsch are invited to a post-contact meeting annually. On the occasion of the WDR European Forum 2014 in Brussels, alumni from the EU member states got to know the EU institutions in Brussels and Luxembourg.
