The Royal Game

The Royal Game © Julia Terjung

Drama, Germany 2021
107 min.

Director:  Philipp Stölzl
Screenplay:  Eldar Grigorian
Cinematography: Thomas Kiennast
Cast: Oliver Masucci, Albrecht Schuch, Birgit Minichmayr, Rolf Lassgard, Andreas Lust
Producers: Tobias Walker, Philipp Worm
Production: Walker + Worm GmbH & Co. KG, München
Rating: 18+
Language: German with English subtitles

THE ROYAL GAME sees director Philipp Stölzl reinterpreting Stefan Zweig's timeless literature classic. The famous story of the man who survives captivity and mental torture with the help of a chess book becomes an intense game of deception in the new adaptation.

Vienna, 1938: Austria is occupied by the Nazi regime. The lawyer Bartok is arrested and taken to the Hotel Metropol, the Gestapo's headquarters, shortly before he can flee with his wife to the USA. As an asset manager for the nobility, he should now provide the local Gestapo chief Böhm with access to the accounts. But Bartok is sent to solitary confinement since he refuses to cooperate. He remains steadfast for weeks and months, but becomes increasingly desperate – until he chances upon a chess book.

Source: German Films Service & Marketing GmbH

Philipp Stölzl was born 1967 and lives in Berlin. His work as a director has a very wide range including feature films, commercials, music-videos as well as opera and theater productions. Starting out as a set designer for theater, he crossed over to music-videos in his late twenties. After having some international success in this genre, he extended his work as a film director to commercials and feature films. Lately the theater has come back into his life. Stölzl is now directing (and stage designing) operas and theater plays in addition to his ongoing film work. His films include: NORTH FACE (2008), GOETHE! (2010), DER MEDICUS (2013), WINNETOU (2016), and I’VE NEVER BEEN TO NEW YORK (2019).

The remake of the "The Royal Game" is one of the rare cases in which the film has not only managed to leave the original behind, but to surpass it.



Cinema Akil 
Entry fee: 52.5 AED
30 November 2021, 9:30 pm

Manarat Al Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi
4 December 2021, 7:00pm
Free entry, registration required under Splashthat

Green Pass on AlHosn app and a PCR test not older than 96 hours is needed for entry!
