Film Screening
Cleo - If I could turn back time

©DETAiLFILM_Janine Marold

Video on Demand


The imaginative Cleo feels a special affinity to her hometown Berlin. But her deepest desire is to turn back time to undo the death of her parents – with the aid of a magic clock which was stolen and has been missing ever since. One day, she meets the adventurer Paul who had recently bought a treasure map which might lead to the treasure she is dreaming of. Cleo and Paul take the audience on an adventurous, mystical trip through the pulsating city filled with poetry and loving attention to detail.

Type: Feature Film
Year: 2019
Lenghts: 99 minutes
Level: Senior
German w /engl Subtitles
Drug use: Alcohol consumption, smoking
Nudity: Cleo and Paul take off their clothes, except for their underwear
Topics: Treasure hunt, romance, adventure, magic, time travel, dreams
Tickets via Eventbrite Teaching Materials (in German)




Language: German with English Subtitles
Price: Free of charge
Part of series Kino for Kids Online