Panel Discussion
The European Exchange | Melbourne

"The European Exchange" © Yury Avi, Piece of the Sky 2008 [detail]
"The European Exchange" © Yury Avi, Piece of the Sky 2008 [detail]

Are Australia and Europe more distant than ever?

Goethe-Institut Melbourne

Join us at events in Melbourne and Sydney for timely re-examination of Australia’s longstanding relationship with Europe.

Will fresh thinking about the exchange between Australia and Europe enliven our future? How can we stay connected across the tyrannies of COVID-closed borders and vast distance? How can we open new opportunities for collaboration?

The events will feature contributors to Griffith Review 69: The European Exchange – co-edited by Natasha Cica and Ashley Hay, and published in partnership with the Australian National University. The Weekend Australian named The European Exchange in its selection of the best reads of 2020. 

Each event will involve a discussion with Q&A – facilitated by Natasha Cica, director of change consultancy and recognised as one of Australia’s 100 Women of Influence.
Melbourne Speakers:

  • Gabriella Coslovich is an author and journalist who specialised in the arts during fifteen years with The Age newspaper. Her debut book Whiteley on Trial won several awards. In 2019–20 she was the writer-in- residence at the Australia Council’s BR Whiting Studio in Rome.
  • Arnold Zable is an award-winning writer, storyteller, educator and human rights advocate. His books include the memoir Jewels and Ashes, the novels Café Scheherazade, Scraps of Heaven and Sea of Many Returns, as well as two collections of stories.
  • Emily Floyd is an artist working with text-based sculptures combining formal concerns with the legacies of modernism. Her work engages in activism, design, typography, literature, cultural studies, community participation and public education. Emily is a senior lecturer at Monash University.
The events are free with Eventbrite registration, limited capacity. 


Covid 19 - Safety Regulations: 
We at the Goethe-Institut are thrilled to be able to organise and host in-person events again. The safety of our guests is one of the most important parts of organising our exciting 2021 Program. To ensure this, we’ve mapped out a rigorous COVIDSafe plan in accordance with guidelines issued by the State Government of Victoria. 
But no matter how stringent our safety planning is, it can only be truly successful with your cooperation.

Being COVIDSafe is everyone’s responsibility—this includes the Goethe-Institut staff, our collaborators, and every visitor who attends a physical Goethe-Institut event. Therefore, we have a few new policy’s to keep everyone safe.
Our terms and conditions of entry are: 
During the period 14 days prior to any in-person Goethe-Institut event you must:
- Have been free of all symptoms of COVID-19.
- Have not come into contact with anyone displaying the symptoms of, and / or awaiting the results of testing for or diagnosed with COVID-19.
During the event you must:
- Agree to provide personal contact details for the use of contact tracing, including but not limited to your full name and phone number.
- Agree to answer required health questions fully and truthfully
- Observe social distancing at all times (1.5 metres away from another person) and avoid close contact with others
- Remain in your allocated seat as much as possible if applicable
- Maintain good hand hygiene by using hand sanitising stations located around the venue and washing hands thoroughly
- Cover your mouth to cough or sneeze, and wash and/or sanitise hands immediately afterwards
- Agree to heed the directions and instructions given by Goethe-Institut  staff members


Goethe-Institut Melbourne

Level 1
448 St. Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 3004

Language: English
Price: Free Entry with Registration

+61 3 9864 8999
Part of series The European Exchange