Transitions FF: 'Who we were'

Still from 'Who We Were' supplied by Transitions FF
Still from 'Who We Were' supplied by Transitions FF


Who We Were observes the current state of the world from the perspective of six leading intellectuals and scientists who reflect on the majesty of the present and postulate about the infinite possibilities of the future.

Who We Were is a cinematic essay inspired by the book of the same name, written by Roger Willemsen. The film is an intense encounter with six important contemporary thinkers and scientists: Alexander Gerst (astronaut), Dennis Snower (economist), Matthieu Ricard (molecular biologist and monk), Sylvia Earle (oceanologist), Felwine Sarr (economist, sociologist and philosopher) and Janina Loh (philosopher and critical posthumanist).

Producer, director, and writer Marc Bauder follows his interviewees from the depths of the ocean to the top of the world, and out into the far reaches of space. Together, they explore the incredible capabilities of the human brain, a global economic summit, the legacy of colonisation, and the feelings of a robot.

We may think, as ordinary individuals, that we're simply not capable of understanding the increasingly complex problems of our planet, but for these charismatic scientists, that's no excuse. They are searching for practical ways to save our world from ourselves, whether it be on top of the world, in the depths of the ocean, inside the human brain, at the G-20 summit, or at the heart of the International Space Station ISS. Their drive forces us to consider whether we are finally ready to take responsibility for ourselves as citizens of planet Earth.

Who We Were’s inspiring look at our world offers a hopeful message for us all: who we are is in our own hands, if we recognise our connectedness, our commonality, and the true meaning of 'we'.

Who We Were will be shown online as part of the 2022 Transitions Film Festival from February 18th to March 13th 2022 - buy your online passes here now!



Language: German, English

Part of series Transitions Film Festival 2022